About me
Nick Schmid
Landscape and nature photographer, guide & photography coach
My passion for landscape photography began in 2016 as a way of balancing out the monotony of everyday office life. One day, I grabbed my old camera and went out into nature to capture the starry sky. I learned the basics through YouTube and immediately developed an immense enthusiasm for taking photos in nature. Since then, I have put every spare minute into this new passion.
Landscape photography and traveling opened up a completely new perspective on the world for me. A feeling of gratitude and appreciation for life on our planet grew in me. I realized how fascinating and impressive our earth can be, which is often overlooked in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. For this reason, I always enjoy getting away from "ordinary life", experiencing adventures, discovering new cultures and exploring the most impressive places in the world. When I take photos, I lose all sense of time, feel a deep sense of joy and can switch off completely. It gives me a feeling of freedom and vitality.
I always go all out for my photos, regardless of the weather conditions. Whether I'm exposed to a storm with wind speeds of 100 km/h or photographing the sunrise at minus 20 degrees, for example, doesn't matter.
My aim is to show people the beauty of our planet and make them aware that we need to protect it. I want to inspire people and make them think. With my art, I want to spread more positive energy and raise awareness of the uniqueness of our world.
Today, I dedicate myself to landscape photography as a freelance sideline. It fills me with joy to share my knowledge with other people at workshops, coaching sessions and photo trips and to share my enthusiasm for nature with them.
SWR Report - Kunscht!
What I currently use
My equipment
I am often asked what equipment I work with, so here is a list of what I currently use to create my landscape photos. I've been working with the Nikon SLR system since 2019. Before that I worked with Canon. However, it's important for me to mention that you can achieve very good results with any camera. Exceptional photos are not primarily created by the technology but by the photographer's vision.